Train Your Voice


This online video training course is designed to unlock the power of your voice so you can speak with influence, communicate with confidence, and sound like a better version of you. You'll get bite sized videos delivered to your inbox every day for a month.
Includes lifetime access. Start anytime. 


Do you like the sound of your speaking voice? And did you know you can train it to sound better just like you can train your body to look better? That’s because your voice is an instrument and once you learn to play it well it will pay dividends for the rest of your life.

Your ability to communicate confidently and connect with people emotionally when you speak will determine your level of success, because you’re only as effective as your ability to communicate. That’s because only 7% of communication comes down to the words you use. The rest is all tone of voice and body language. So how you sound will determine if people listen to you and want to hear what you have to say.

Which is why I've created this online video training program.

Each short video lesson will feature one actionable idea or exercise that you can use to unlock the power of your voice to become a more influential speaker and confident communicator so you can stand out as a leader in your field. 


• Unlock Your Authentic Voice and Sound Like a Better Version of You
• Speak So People Will Listen to You and Want to Hear What You Have to Say
• Become More Influential When You Speak
• Communicate With Confidence


I'm Joshua Seth, and you've probably heard my voice before. As the voice of dozens of animated TV shows and movies, hundreds of commercials, and thousands of promos I've been communicating to millions of people with just my voice for over 20 years.

Now I'm showing people how to speak with influence, communicate with confidence, and unleash the power of their own authentic voice through my Keynote Speeches and as the host of the Voiceover Champions podcast. 

I look forward to helping you sound like a better version of you... so when you speak, people listen.


  • Anyone whos career depends of the quality of their communication:

    • Leaders

    • Salespeople

    • Public Speakers

    • Voice Actors

    • Podcasters

  • Each video is only a few minutes long. Typically 5-10 minutes. You can watch them at your own pace and revisit the lessons whenever you want. There are over 4 hours of actionable ideas and voice training exercises inside the program.

  • I'm glad you asked! Our private Facebook group is where you can ask me questions, post videos of your exercises, and interact with other like minded people who are also committed to improving their communication skills and becoming more influential speakers. It's a safe and supportive community where we can all interact are share our experiences.

Speak With Influence / Communicate With Confidence

30 Bite Sized Video trainings with actionable exercises delivered to your inbox every day for a month

  • Exercises to help you Sound like A Better Version of You

  • Access to our Private Facebook Community

  • Includes Lifetime Access to the Course and All Updates
